These are definitely not a traditional pregnancy exercise, but they do offer a number of benefits through their broad muscle engagement and explosive nature! Swings are usually performed with both hands on a kettlebell. However by doing single-arm dumbbell swings, you make sure that your growing belly will not be squeezed during this exercise. Dumbbell swings can be just as effective as kettlebell swings and are ideal for keeping it safe during pregnancy.
Preparation: Stand with your feet slightly wider then hip-width apart and grab a dumbbell with an overhand grip. Let your arm hang straight down between your bent knees. Keep your back straight.
Execution: Thrust upward with your legs and hips. Swing the dumbbell up to chest level as you rise to an upright position. Now squat back down and control the downward momentum of the dumbbell as it swings back to starting position.
Broad Muscle Engagement
Swings hit the group of muscles known collectively as your posterior chain. This includes the calves, hamstrings, glutes, lower back and core muscles. A weak posterior chain can be a major cause of lower back pain. By strengthening these muscles, not only are you helping to make them leaner and more defined, you’re also protecting your lower back and reducing your risk of injury.
The force generated by the swing also engages significant joint activity in the knees, hips, shoulders and ankles, making the dumbbell swing an excellent exercise for establishing and maintaining flexibility.
Swings are a combination of strength and cardiovascular exercise. Since we do not want to focus on muscle growth during pregnancy, I recommend using lighter weights and more repetitions for a good cardio workout.